Hello everyone.. my name is, oh that very complicated if i tell u my real name.. because i'am pretty sure u alls can't remember and say the exactly worf of my real name, ngeh3.. by the way, just call me AtoZ.. actually Atoz is A to Z, because i don't have any idea for a pick one nick to my new blog.. i caunt one two three, huh.. not good, sounds like stupid.. suddenly.. i feel my brain spinning like Spinning games! ohh why not i pick A to Z, but not like professional.. so what i must to do? haaaa.. yes! i must close between the words.
Lastly... huh ~ i know, u don't like my story hah? ala.. that a nature la bro
.. don't lie to me, because God see anything we do.. so, please be afraid. Ok. ok. we go the straight point.
Why i build the new blog?
Before that, just call me AtoZ ok.. thanks you! ok, that because, i have a many word in my mind and i don't know where the good place i must share it. I think, this place OK for me.. and i don't care if u don't like what i write on here. But.. we friend right? hehe..
I have 3-4 blogs oldest than this one, 1 my formal blog, anything i share, about world issues, my personal experience and ect. So.. before i build this one, i have a little bit experience about blogging / bloggers. That not take a long time to build this one, if u see my template, u know i'am know or not about HTML / coding or anything else. I'm not proud because i know many people beyond there very profesiona than me.. blogspot coding? like jilat jari saje..
Sorry, i must to notify again.. u can call me AtoZ or A to Z.. that the same person, same personality and same author.. hehehe.. that all for today.. wait for my "talkes" soon.. remember, if you don't like, u must like it first. Good!
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