Saturday, 29 November 2014

How To Change Your Blogspot Template

How To Change Your Blogspot Template

This time i'll teach u how to change your blogspot template for a minute. For change the blogspot template is not dificult, but have more time and patient to try and error about choose the right template u needed. If u choose wrong template, visitors will not come in your blog.. visitors is very important if u like make money from blogspot. What kind of wrong choosing blogspot template:
  • Annoying template, like very dark background, many of columns.
  • Same with your blog niche. If your blog about cooking, then choose kitty template, that's wrong.
  • Crazy, cutesy, scrapbooky, too dark, too colorful, too light, or so narrowed-down.

The link i give u above are to much important point about choosing template. The basic u have know about template is Columns, Styles and Colors. Like i tell u already, not many Columns, Styles related your niche and right Colors, what u think if u were in dark website? that'a what your visitors feel whatever kind of visitors.

You must download template file from here, or use this keyword "blogger template" and choosing yours:
I assume u already get one template file. Here we go practice how to change your blogspot template:
  1. Go here :
  2. Choose TEMPLATE form your More Options button.
  3. Click BACKUP / RESTORE.
  4. Download Full Template (original template).
  5. Browse (find your template file)
  6. Then, click UPLOAD.
  7. Done! now see your blogspot. 
How To Change Your Blogspot Template

Here i give u tutorial how to change blogspot template in GIF format.. so don't worry about u can't do it.. because people can do everything. Almost forget, click the GIF tutorial for large view and give your feedback. Good Luck Guys!