Saturday, 15 November 2014

How To Create Blogspot For A Minute

This time i want teach about how to create blogspot with easy and simple step, just take a few minute. Now i assume u have a valid email id, if u dont have.. please create one, a valid email id is necessary for build blogspot. If any trouble u have to create a new one email.. please ask me for tutorial how to create email id. Very easy than u thinking hard to get one.

How To Create Blogspot For A Minute

We have three column important to know about. Title column is your title blog, will appear at heading. Address column is important thing u have put about your niche (we talk about latter), address column is your link like See that warning "Sorry, this blog address is not available", that means you not allowed to use that link, put another link, until the icon warning (yellow) disappear or u can see "This blog address is available". Template column is, your front page like what u choosing. Dont worry, u can change any template u want from another website.. i'll teach u then. And then, click Create Blog!.

Now your blog is existed! your link is (that mine, what yours?).. u can see yours when u click at "View blog".

That its.. easy right? u can write anything u want related about your niche (title column and address column). If u dont know how to make "New post", wait for my new tutorial how to make new post. Set in your mind blogspot is easy than build a website. U have a new site (blogspot), so make it like professional website, i'll teach u latter. See u next tutorial.